Introduction: Within and Beyond the Image

An image is worth a thousand words, a thousand interpretations, a thousand thoughts and a thousand feelings. The essays from this section take an image from a global event that is currently happening in the world. It was amazing to see that even though the events were different we all responded similarly. We related to those affected by the events by putting ourselves in their shoes and asking ourselves how would we feel or what would it be like? Our eyes were drawn to the different aspects of the image, like a story playing out. We analyzed what happened. We saw what they were feeling, or what they were facing and found that it was not only natural to respond, but that it is necessary that we do. We saw that there can be hope when people come together after a tragedy. That no matter who we are, where we come from, or what we are facing we can find hope because we are not alone. By looking at these images and seeing past the border of where the camera cut the scene, we can get a glimpse of what it is like in the lives of those affected by these events. We can see a part of how their reality affects more than just them and their neighbors. Reflections upon each image to represent the shock of how much we could all easily relate to these situations happening all over the world. No matter the distance of each catastrophe, it all hits home for everyone of us. These essays don’t just inform, but they display our understanding of how at any given moment the world can flip upside down. But just with that single captured picture on a camera roll, it could essentially capture a single authentic moment, and the only hope one has left in humanity.