Introduction: Triggering Memory

Objects have a way of helping us remember past experiences that we have had. Those experiences are what make each of us become unique. Not only that, those experiences shape and mold our character into the person that we are now. The memories that we have are of personal, life experiences. Those memories are often times triggered by objects. Sometimes, when we see an object, our memories of personal experiences in life can be suddenly brought back by that object. For example, an object might remind someone of a loved one that passed away or of a vacation that they went on, or even of the challenging times that they had been through. These objects are special to each person for a specific reason. An object that means nothing to one person, might mean everything to someone else. It could be a traditional object of family, something expensive, or it might not have any monetary value at all. Something as simple as a button or a scarf, an old toy or a name tag, could trigger a memory of something that happened long time ago. There are even some memories that we had forgotten about long ago, but a related object, like a detector, could draw out the memory and bring it back to us. Therefore, those kind of items have sentimental value, and are very important to the person that owns them. All of us, old or young, have items like these in our lives. Items that help us remember important lessons, or help us hold onto cherished memories.