Jackie Responsibility

When faced with human tragedy, do we as writers know what our responsibility is?
Do we tell? Do we cry, question? Do we explain, or sit back and wait for others to explain it to us? When is it too soon to voice ourselves? These are the questions human beings and writers ask themselves when faced with a horrific and worldly tragedy. The responsibility of a writer is to take the tragedy as a whole and show every aspect to their audience. They have to voice the people around them, and they have to facilitate a change with their writing.
When a writer takes the time and responsibility to take in every single fact, side, and experience and put it into their writing, that is when you get a completely honest and authentic piece of work. They are not afraid to speak the truth with any situation. It might be one of the hardest topics for someone to understand, but when It’s honest, It speaks to people better, It makes the characters in the writing more believable. It’s easier to feel their experience through this time and possible even the writers.
Writers need to not only write the truth but they have to make sure it is speaking out to the people he is writing for. When you write to voice your audience’s opinion, you are doing it because you have understood what they are going through. You have felt sympathy and empathy for the people you are writing about and for. It gives you a closer connection between the reader and the writer. You need to have this connection to be successful as a writer. If you can’t take the time to listen and share what you have heard you are only writing for your own benefit. You’re not taking the time to show feeling in your work, and how much this tragedy has affected every single human around you.
Not only should a writer take the responsibility to write for the reader, but they should always remember to take in account their form of writing. Being honest to your text should always be a priority. You have to be open minded with everything, and you have to really think about what you want to put into that magazine or book. Writing can be a powerful teaching tool. We as writers have to potential to facilitate a change with our writing. We can be that teacher that helps speak up for our “quiet students” who can’t always quite say what they need to say.
People say that “pictures are worth a hundred words” but if you are a responsible and effective writer then you can see how much of a change “a hundred words” can make. Tragedy is not something that can be forgotten, erased, or just thrown under the rug. Tragedy is something many people face daily. It’s never easy. When it’s something as big 9/11, Isis, or the recent earthquake in Chile, not everyone has a way to describe their emotions, to show their true feelings, or ideas. So writers can put on that role as being their complete circle of someone who understands. Someone who will speak up for them, and someone who will teach them that it is okay to feel, and express themselves in many ways to comprehend what has happened.

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